Friday, July 13, 2007


After Camp K we had a lot of limes so we decided to make Limeade! We had it for a couple of days and it was really good on a hot afternoon. Here is the recipe.

  • 4 limes
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 quart of water
Cut limes into halves and squeeze juice into a pitcher. Add sugar and stir well. Last add water and stir. Limeade is now ready:-)


Tammy said...

I like to squeeze a quarter of a lime into my Diet Coke. Yum.
I bet your limeade was very refreshing - it looks delicious. (And in fact, my mouth is watering!)

Azimuth-Solar said...

Dear Ben & Abbie,

Your blog is really nice, but reading it is making me hungry and thirsty (especially for limeade)! I'm going to go raid the icebox.

Love, Uncle Allen